All recipes are displayed as ratios, unless "in parts" is included in the recipe. You can adjust the recipe for larger or smaller batches by adjusting the total below the recipe. For example, for a 10,000-gram batch, put “10,000” in the box. Have more questions? View our help page here or watch a video tutorial here


Ceramic Recipes

Take a Tour

Guest access to Ceramic Recipes includes full searching of the database, and viewing of a selection of recipes (available on the home page when not logged in) so that you can get a sense of what’s available in the full database.

Registered users get access to an always-expanding collection of recipes (currently more than 800) that have been tested by professional artists. You can save them to your account, rate recipes, add comments, and upload your own recipes. You can even share your recipes with the Ceramic Recipes community.

Here’s an overview of what each recipe includes: (click each image to see a larger version)


Start Building Your Collection As a registered user, you can search and view all recipes in the database, and collect them in your “Favorites” for later reference and testing. Watch how easy it is to find and save recipes: (click the images to see larger versions)


Search It begins with a robust search capability so you can find recipes by firing temperature, color, surface texture, firing atmosphere, ingredient, author, or any combination of these. You can zoom right in to what you’re looking for, or browse all of the images in the entire archive looking for something inspiring to try out. Type anything you want into the search box at the top of the left sidebar, and your results automatically arrive with more options for refining your search.

Formulate For those who really want to put their own spin on a glaze, all recipes have glaze-calculation files available for download in the most popular formats (Insight, Hyperglaze, GlazeMaster). Of course, if you come up with a promising variation on an existing glaze in your own studio, you can upload that new recipe so that the knowledge and inspiration for everyone grows!

Upload Your Recipes Our simple interface makes it easy to add your own recipes to your account. When you upload your own recipes, they are stored in “My Recipes” (that is, your recipes) located in the right-hand navigation column so you can refer to them for your own use. These annotated screenshots will walk you through the process of uploading one of your own recipes: (click the images to see larger versions)




Share If your uploaded recipe meets some basic requirements (has an image, brief description, and instructions for use), you may also submit that recipe for inclusion in the main database available to all registered users. This not only adds to your own visibility through your author page, but adds to the depth and breadth of the recipe collection.

More For questions about functionality that our walk-through screenshots don’t address, please see our FAQ page.

Feedback We want to continue making Ceramic Recipes the best it can be, so if you think there is something that would improve your experience or the available functionality, please let us know!