
Ingredient Amount
Barium Carbonate 14.50
Gerstley Borate 14.50
Whiting 9.67
G-200 EU Feldspar 57.40
EPK Kaolin 3.93
Add Amount
Titanium Dioxide 4.40
Zinc Oxide 6.04
Light Rutile 4.59
Copper Carbonate 2.29


Shared by Richard Hensley in "Exploring Glazes: From Perfect fit to Crackle and Matte," in the March 2016 issue of Ceramics Monthly.

The image shown here has multiple glazes on it, including Smokey Green.

Mix to a specific gravity of 1.4. To simplify the surface, try less copper and less rutile. G-200 EU Feldspar (from Spain) is equivalent to G-200 Feldspar (no longer mined).