
Ingredient Amount
Dolomite 10.00
Talc 15.00
Nepheline Syenite 35.00
Ferro Frit 3124 10.00
EPK Kaolin 15.00
Silica 15.00
Add Amount
Tangerine: Mason Stain 4200 5.00
Yellow: Mason Stain 4250 5.00
Blue: Cobalt Oxide 1.00
Blue Green: Cobalt above, plus Chrome Oxide 1.00
Turquoise Blue: Mason Stain 6373 5.00
Light Green: Mason Stain 6265 5.00
Lavender: Mason Stain 6304 5.00
Ochre: Mason Stain 6129 5.00
Dark Green: Copper Carbonate 3.00
Medium Brown: Red Iron Oxide 5.00
Charcoal Gray: Mason Stain 6600 5.00


A relatively thick, fat, buttery magnesium matte with pretty good color response, though it tends to mute oxides and stains. Good for earthtones.
The magnesium in this glaze can cause cobalt to lean toward the purple side of blue. You can see this even in the Turquoise Blue (MS 6373) stain. And even though there is a fair amount of calcium in this glaze, iron will pretty much stay brown rather than warming up to red/orange.