
Ingredient Amount
Borax 5.00
Minspar 200 Soda Feldspar 35.00
Georgia Kaolin 20.00
OM4 Ball Clay 20.00
Silica 20.00
Add Amount
Zircopax 5.00


Published in "Cone 10 Clay & Glazes" by Robert Briscoe, in the Oct 2015 issue of Ceramics Monthly.

High-fire slip to use on bisque ware. The image shown here is Robert Briscoe's White Bisque Slip underneath White Ash Glaze.
Do not make substitutions for the Georgia Kaolin. Use in a half-and-half cream consistency applied in layers for a crackle surface. I use this slip to mask out iron in my stoneware and to change the glaze colors.