
Ingredient Amount
Gerstley Borate 8.30
Strontium Carbonate 12.10
Wollastonite 16.10
Nepheline Syenite 40.10
EPK Kaolin 11.40
Silica 12.00
Add Amount
Zircopax 9.50
MS 6032 Zinc Coral 0.20
MS 6410 Canary Yellow 2.50
MS 6001 Alpine Rose 1.70
MS 6404 Vanadium Yellow 0.40
Dark Rutile 2.10


Published in "Following a thread: Matte Glazes at Mid Range," in the November 2015 issue of Ceramics Monthly, page 61.

The piece in the image shown has Polseno Peach and additional glazes on it.
Mix to a specific gravity of 1.52.