My #3 Matte Susan Beiner

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This recipe was shared by Susan Beiner in the December 2018 issue of Ceramics Monthly.
This is a matte base glaze that works well with stains and oxides. Not food safe. *Substitute Minspar 200 Feldspar for Kona F-4 Feldspar, which is no longer mined.
I use several heavily fluxed glazes combined with a variety of Mason stains, rare earth oxides, and encapsulated pigments to create palettes of color to glaze in a more painterly manner. Multiple glazes overlap, which influences how the glazes move across the forms. I am continually testing glazes and looking for interesting overlaps. Glaze application is done with a spray gun and bulb syringe. I draw with glaze using a bulb syringe to further increase the mixing and melting of the glazes.
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