Marlee's Satin Matte - Deep Turquoise Moloney Hi

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Published in "Cone 02 Glaze Recipes" in the Feb 2015 issue of Ceramics Monthly.
A white satin matte to translucent glaze that responds well to colorant additions. Not food safe.
For a white translucent glaze, omit the tin oxide. A slow cooling cycle is best for achieving the satin matte texture. A faster cooling cycle also produces nice results - the glaze is shinier and more translucent. Not food safe.
This recipe contains Gerstley borate, which tends to gel over time. Mix small quantities of this glaze at a time to avoid gelling and related application problems like excessively thick coatings and drying cracks. After the ingredients and adding water pour the glaze through an 80-mesh sieve to remove lumps and disperse any colorants evenly.
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