
Ingredient Amount
Bone Ash 7.50
Lithium Carbonate 20.40
Whiting 24.70
EPK Kaolin 8.70
Silica 38.70
Add Amount
Bentonite 7.50
Tin Oxide 6.50


Published in "Cone 04 Clay & Glaze" by Mark Pharis, in the Nov 2015 issue of Ceramics Monthly.

The image shown here includes various glazes including JGS glaze plus 0.5% Chrome Oxide over Low Temperature White Slip. For more color options that can be used with this base see the instructions below.
I brush this over white slip. It's a good base to use with a variety of colorants. The high lithium content makes application fussy - too thick and it shivers, too thin and the glaze has no body and colors are thin.

For Greens, add: 0.5–1.6% Chrome Oxide. For Navy Blue, add: 4% Mason Stain 6356 or 6383. For Black, add: 6.5% Mason Stain 6600. For Pink, add: 6.5 % Tin Oxide.

The pink will only appear if there is chrome in the kiln to interact with the tin oxide.