All recipes are displayed as ratios, unless "in parts" is included in the recipe. You can adjust the recipe for larger or smaller batches by adjusting the total below the recipe. For example, for a 10,000-gram batch, put “10,000” in the box. Have more questions? View our help page here or watch a video tutorial here


Ingredient Amount
Ruggles and Rankin Green/Blue Slip 50.00
Rutile Terra Sigillata 50.00


Published in "Recipes for Salt & Soda" in the Feb 2015 issue of Ceramics Monthly.

A thin slip created by combining a terra sigillata and a slip engobe.
Mix equal parts of the Ruggles and Rankin Green/Blue Slip and the Rutile Terra Sigillata.

Ruggles & Rankin Green/Blue Slip

Borax - 4.3%

Nepheline Syenite - 26.1%

EPK Kaolin - 17.4%

OM4 Ball Clay - 26.1%

Silica - 26.1%

Add: Bentonite 1.7%

Cobalt Carbonate - 2.6%

Chrome Oxide - 3.5%

Terra Sigillata

Ball Clay (OM4) - 4500 g

Water - 3 gal

Lye (or Calgon) - 48 g

Mix well, let stand at least 24 hours. Siphon and use the top 2.3 portion. Discard the bottom 1/3 portion. For a red terra sigillata use Cedar Heights Redart as a substitute for the ball clay. Ball mill or let stand for at least one week.

For a rutile color, add 20 grams of rutile to 500 ml of the OM 4 Terra Sigillata.