All recipes are displayed as ratios, unless "in parts" is included in the recipe. You can adjust the recipe for larger or smaller batches by adjusting the total below the recipe. For example, for a 10,000-gram batch, put “10,000” in the box. Have more questions? View our help page here or watch a video tutorial here


Ingredient Amount
Bone Ash 33.00
Gerstley Borate 67.00
Add Amount
Copper Carbonate 8.00
Cobalt Carbonate 2.00


Remarkably, this versatile glaze is capable of producing a wide range of colors that are very receptive to atmospheric changes inside the kiln and outside in post reduction.

Published in "Fish Tales" by Lisa Merida-Paytes, in the Jul/Aug 2009 issue of Pottery Making Illustrated.
Through experimenting with the application of this glaze, I have been able to achieve a beautiful mottled surface with striking luster and opalescent color.  I have found that applying less is better–one thin coat then wiping the glaze off with a dry towel works best to achieve a matte, speckled surface.