Conrad Engobe Judy NELSON-MOORE

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Can fire from cone 04-7 or even wider range.
I use this engobe in several ways: 1) as a white-out over something I don't like. Refire at bisque temperature and then put another surface over the top. 2) As a texturizing best put over a low-fire shiny glaze, then refire to temperature above original glossy surface so that glaze bubbles underneath. Makes a wrinkled skin on top...very interesting texture.
Picture shows Conrad Engobe over cone 7 engobe/stains which was then re-bisqued and fired in a tin-foil saggar. The Engobe picked up the fuming well.
This recipe comes from Lana Wilson's article "Lichenlike Surfaces" in the February 1990 Ceramics Monthly. Can add stains (10%). Wilson says add black stain and use under lichen surface. She says reduce nephsy if too shiny, which I don't understand because it is VERY dry matt. Slightly different recipes in different sources.
Apply by spray or brush. 1-3 coats depending on use desired. Sticks well to refire surface. Ball clay makes it look gray/brown but fires a nice dead white.
Recipe Topics
Clay Bodies and Casting Slips
Low Fire (Cone 022 – 01)
Mid Range (Cone 1 – 7)
High Fire (Cone 8 – 14)
Salt, Soda, and Wood
Slip, Engobe, and Terra Sigillata
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