Celadon-Type Glaze Forrest Gard

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Published in "Rare-Earth Oxide Glazes" by Linda Bloomfied in the September/October issue of Pottery Making Illustrated. Recipes and test tiles are by David Pier and originally appeared in Ceramics Monthly, September 2002.
A trouble-free, very reliable glaze; usually craze free.
Color variations with Lanthanides:
Unreal Green Celadon (reduction): Praseodymium Oxide-0.65%
Unreal Blue Celadon (reduction): Neodymium Oxide-1.10%
Apparently-Lavender Celadon (Oxidation): Neodymium Oxide-4.50%
You can get away without using the CMC gum in this recipe, but it helps with even application as well as suspension. Erbium and higher concentrations of praseodymium are not used to their best advantage in this glaze (dull colors). Apply fairly thickly, 2–4 coats, allowing time to dry between coats.
The "apparently" in Apparently Lavender Celadon refers to is interesting property of dramatically changin color (from lavender to green to bright blue or bright purple) under different lighting situations.
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