
Ingredient Amount
Alumina 4.00
Gerstley Borate 3.00
Petalite 40.00
Goldart 10.00
Hawthorn Fireclay 33.00
Kentucky Ball Clay (OM 4) 10.00
Add Amount
Kyanite 20.00
Medium Grog 15.00
Wet Sawdust 2.00


Published in "The Dark Side of Athanasius" by Brian Fiorentino, in the June/July 2006 issue of Ceramics Monthly.
A cautionary note on saggar firing: Burning sawdust and coal inside saggars results in a high volume of toxic fumes, including carbon monoxide. This should only be done outdoors, or in kiln rooms that are well ventilated and separate from other work areas. Saggars should not be used in electric kilns as the elements could be damaged by the smoke.