Elliott Boone
Fredericksburg, Texas


Artist Statement
My artwork pays homage to the natural world. Collaborating with the local forest makes nature an active and vital force that directly impacts my art through environmental alterations to greenware, and use of collected deadwood for glazes and firings.

Studio Description 
Graduated from Southwestern University (Georgetown, Texas,) May 2019, now looking for space. I had access to a large clay mixer, pugmills, well-stocked material and glaze rooms, and six kilns: two electric, a gas, a soda, a raku, and a wood.

What type of clay do you use?
Δ10 Stoneware: usually red, and usually grogged

What temperature do you fire to?
Δ10 Soda Firings: soda ash/sodium bicarbonate mix sprayed at peak temp. (around 2300℉)

What is your primary forming method?
Wheel forming

What is your favorite surface treatment?
The variety of surfaces that result from high reduction soda and wood firings

Do you make any of your own tools?
I’ve made a few tools from wood, metal, and wire that were alright, but I plan on continuing to practice tool making. My goal is to eventually make all of my tools.

What one word would you use to describe your work?

What is your favorite thing about your studio?
Access to soda and wood firing kilns

Who is your ceramic art mentor and why?
Shiro Tsujimura: his artwork, studio practice, and lifestyle all exude wabi-sabi.


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