Linda Maxson
Maxson Art
Rancho Mirage, California





Artist Statement
I’m most productive and creative when solving a problem. I constantly challenge myself in my artwork as well as the medium in which I work. The higher the risk, the more I’m motivated. I try to be fearless. Sharing my art is extremely important to me. It encourages people to ask questions, introspect, think about new ideas, experience fresh new perspectives and most importantly, it encourages us to take brief moments out of our busy lives to reflect on something outside of our daily routine.

Studio Description
My studio is the back half of a 2000 sq ft space that is open to the public on most days. The front half of the space is a gallery that features my work as well as my husband’s woodwork. The studio has all the equipment and supplies that I need to explore and experiment with the medium.

What type of clay to you use?
Stoneware for handbuilding as well as making clay monoprints

What temperature do you fire to?
Cone 5/6

What is your primary forming method?

What is your favorite surface treatment?
Carving or creating texture of some kind

What one word would you use to describe your work?

What is your favorite thing about your studio?
My music

What is the one thing in your studio you can't live without?

How do you recharge creatively?
Visit museums, hike, read

What challenges have you given yourself to overcome?
Making large clay monoprints on canvas and formulating a paper clay recipe for making paper thin ceramics.

What did you first piece look like?
A garishly glazed purple teacup

Who is your ceramic art mentor and why?
Mitch Lyons (now passed), who pioneered the process of making a monoprint from a bed of clay; Jeff Stellges, head of ceramics at the Palos Verdes Art Center for his technical expertise.

Why do you create art?
It is my voice. It allows me to sing without making a sound and share my song with others.

What is your best studio tip?
Keep showing up.

If you could change one property of clay, what would it be?
It would be nice if it didn’t dry out so fast

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