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Jen Sonnenberg,
Jen Sonnenberg Woodfired Pottery
Stonewall, Manitoba Canada



Artist Statement:  Creating surfaces that will capture and display the ash and flame within my wood kiln drives how I create my functional when thrown pottery. With my studio located in rural manitoba, the earthy, rich surfaces reflect my strong connection to nature.

Studio Description: My studio is located in the country. It is 640 square feet and boasts a wood kiln, electric kiln, a wood stove, lots of south facing windows and natural light and four wheels, and is nestled amongst outbuildings on my family's farm.

What type of clay do you use? Porcelain and stoneware.

What temperature do you fire to? 1300-1400 degrees celcius.

What is your primary forming method? Wheel throwing.

What is your favorite surface treatment? Impressing textures from unconventional sources.

Do you make any of your own tools? I make throwing ribs, wire cutters and texture tools.

What one word would you use to describe your work? Luscious.

What is your favorite thing about your studio? The south facing windows and natural light.

What is the one thing in your studio you can’t live without? My wheel.

What are your top three studio wishes? My top three studio wishes would be to get solar panels, a soda kiln, and then running water.

What’s on your current reading list? The Hobbit.

How do you save money on materials and supplies? I recycle clay and buy in bulk whenever possible.

How do you recharge creatively? I play with my kiddos, get outdoors, garden or all three!

Do you have any DIY tips for studio efficiency? Using a paint mixer attachment on a drill makes mixing glaze and reclaim clay much more efficient.

What challenges have you given yourself to overcome? I have challenged myself to do more networking and build my brand.

What did you first piece look like? My first piece was pit fired and had 5 pinch pots connected in a random orientation, with antlers coming out from various places.

What ceramic superpower would you have and why? Speed throwing.

Who is your ceramic art mentor and why? There are too many! Josh DeWeese captures so much spirit and softness in his work.

What is your studio playlist? The Beatles.

Why do you create art? I create art to let my hands and mind play; to get things out so that other things can be made, tried and realized; to have handmade functional ware.

What is your best studio tip? When life steps in and keeps you from working in clay, take advantage and look at things from a different place. Different perspectives are powerful.

If you could change one property of clay, what would it be? Nothing.

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