Miliesh Martinez,
Miliesh Pottery,
San Juan, Puerto Rico



Artist Statement:
I fell in love with mud from a young age even though I studied other art media besides clay and now I do a fusion of media through my work I like to combine from drawing to animation, I love art in general and that is through my final work....

Studio Description:
My art study is the reflection of how I go during the seasons and inspiration all the time I'm moving the space according to the mood.

What type of clay do you use?
White Clay.

What temperature do you fire to?
04 05 06.

What is your primary forming method?

What is your favorite surface treatment?
The marks of my fingers.

Do you make any of your own tools?

What one word would you use to describe your work?

What is your favorite thing about your studio?
Space and natural light.

What is the one thing in your studio you can’t live without?
My cats around.

What are your top three studio wishes?
New shelves, New tables, New storage.

What’s on your current reading list?
Pinch Pottery by Susan Halls

How do you save money on materials and supplies?
Selling my pottery in fairs.

How do you recharge creatively?
Living my daily life.

What challenges have you given yourself to overcome?
Painting on pottery.

What did you first piece look like?

What ceramic superpower would you have and why?
Hand paint.

Who is your ceramic art mentor and why?
My first ceramic teacher, because she have wisdom and talent.

What is your studio playlist?
Amelie movie soundtrack.

Why do you create art?
It's my life is like breathing to me recently two strong hurricanes passed through the island where I live and be that months. They were the saddest.

What is your best studio tip?

If you could change one property of clay, what would it be?

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