Tara Lynn,
Boomdeeay Clay,
Fort Mill, SC

Website: http://www.boomdeeay.com

Email: BoomdeeayClay@gmail.com

Artist Statement:
Each sculpture takes 4 to 8 weeks to create, depending on size & complexity. Coiling contemporary sculptures allows each piece to grow into its own organic self. I believe that each piece is a gift, no two alike, reflecting my life & my story.

What type of clay do you use?Low Fire White Clay.

What temperature do you fire to?
Cone 04.

What is your primary forming method?Coiling.

What is your favorite surface treatment?Glaze.

What one word would you use to describe your work?

What is your favorite thing about your studio?
That it is part of my home.

What is the one thing in your studio you can’t live without?

What are your top three studio wishes?
1. More windows and light.
2. More space.
3. More shelves.

Who is your ceramic art mentor and why?
Sister Evangeline was my High School Art teacher and was encouraging and taught me patience.

If you could change one property of clay, what would it be?

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