Cheryl Farrens
FireHorse Designs
Campbell, Texas



Artist Statement
My passion has always been the love of nature, be it animals or plants or the universe; organic or inorganic shapes and materials, etc. I am also a proponent of passing on knowledge, and to this end, I have published articles, created free videos, etc.

Studio Description
FireHorse Designs has been in business since 1985 and is a home based, woman-owned business in NE Texas. I create award-winning functional and decorative ceramic art, pottery, jewelry, and warm glass.

What type of clay do you use?
Porcelain and stoneware

What temperature do you fire to?
cone 5/6

What is your primary forming method?
Slip casting, hand building, and throwing

What is your favorite surface treatment?
Crystalline glazes, china paints. slip painting

Do you make any of your own tools?
I have made simple tools to create textures on my pieces, as well as creating molds for slip casting.

What one word would you use to describe your work?

What is your favorite thing about your studio?
Looking out the window and seeing my appaloosa horses.

What is the one thing in your studio you can’t live without?
The large garage door that can be opened for my raku firings.

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