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Helen Bishop-Santelli
Rochester, New York


Artist Statement
My work continues to focus on the beauty of all creatures in our world. In this time of crisis when so much is being put at risk, my heart wants us all to recognize the sentient quality in all our fellow beings. 

Studio Description
My work is mainly sculptural, but I also paint with oils as well. I have a kiln with which I fire and glaze handbuilt objects.

What type of clay do you use?
Porcelain and stoneware

What temperature do you fire to?
Cone 6

What is your primary forming method?

What is your favorite surface treatment?
I am currently using underglaze, clear overglaze and mother of pearl and luster overglazes.

Do you make any of your own tools?

What one word would you use to describe your work?

What is your favorite thing about your studio?
It is in my home.

What is the one thing in your studio you can’t live without?
My large working island is the best way for me to have projects at different stages of completion.

What are your top three studio wishes?
I would love it to be on the ground floor, have a good slab roller, and a plaster casting room.

What’s on your current reading list?
I just ordered a book on Meissen Animals.

How do you save money on materials and supplies?
Reusing clay and hopefully, in the future, mixing my own glazes.

How do you recharge creatively?
I work in my garden and look at other ceramic artist and art galleries.

Do you have any DIY tips for studio efficiency?
Keeping a daily cleaning up practice is the best way to continue being spontaneous and clear.

What challenges have you given yourself to overcome?
I would love to stop my glazes from overflowing onto my shelf and occasional cracking.

What did you first piece look like?
My first piece was pretty good as I have been a sculptor for many years casting in bronze and glass.

What ceramic superpower would you have and why?
I would love to know exactly how to keep objects from sagging as I build.

Who is your ceramic art mentor and why?
Adrian Saxe

What is your studio playlist?
Public radio

Why do you create art?
It has fulfilled me since I was 5 years old.

What is your best studio tip?
Enjoy what you do and be your own judge.

If you could change one property of clay, what would it be?
Not much of anything, I love clay!

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