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Gisele Bick
Bell River, Ontario, Canada



What type of clay do you use?

What temperature do you fire to?

What is your primary forming method?

What is your favorite surface treatment?
Always trying new things

Do you make any of your own tools?

What one word would you use to describe your work?

What is your favorite thing about your studio?
That it's in my home

What is the one thing in your studio you can’t live without?
Amazon Alexa

What are your top three studio wishes?
A spray booth, knocking out a wall (happening soon) to make it bigger.

What’s on your current reading list?
I listen to audiobooks while working. Currently listening to Stone Mattress’ by Margaret Atwood.

How do you save money on materials and supplies?
I teach classes in my studio to pay for supplies.

How do you recharge creatively?
I like to cook.

Do you have any DIY tips for studio efficiency?
Yes, wax handles for slower drying. use a piece of wet carpet to clean glaze off of bottoms.

What challenges have you given yourself to overcome?
Glaze chemistry was so daunting at first, but now it's one of my favorite things to do.

What did you first piece look like?
It was a very small heavy bottom bowl.

What ceramic superpower would you have and why?
Iron lungs so I wouldn’t need to wear a dust mask.

Who is your ceramic art mentor and why?
I have many, but when I first started I watched a lot of Simon Leach videos.

What is your studio playlist?
The Black Keys, and any blues rock.

Why do you create art?
It started as a way to heal and now it’s more the love of teaching others.

What is your best studio tip?
Using a wet piece of carpet to clean glaze off bottoms of pots.

If you could change one property of clay, what would it be?

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