Ceramic Arts Network The American Ceramic Society P.O. Box 1555 Westerville, OH 43086-1555
Ceramic Arts Network is an online community serving active potters and ceramic artists worldwide, as well as those who are interested in finding out more about this craft. Ceramic Arts Network provides a wide array of tools for learning about and
improving skills in the ceramic arts, and a place for artists to share ideas and perspectives about how their art and life interact to shape each other.
Ceramic Arts Network provides a free daily newsletter, access to Ceramics Monthly and Pottery Making Illustrated magazines and the International Ceramic Artists Network (ICAN), and links you to all the related products and services
that these groups offer.
Ceramic Arts Network is owned and managed by The American Ceramic Society, a more than 120 year-old non-profit organization that promotes the professional needs of the international
ceramics community.
Do you have questions about Ceramic Arts Network?
In order for us to continue to provide the wealth of information available on the Ceramic Arts Network website for free, we are often unable to answer individual technique, process, or business-related questions. However, there are several ways to
find information on Ceramic Arts Network, and you may not be aware of all of them:
Use our site’s robust search function (upper right corner) to see if the information exists already on the site. A lot of the time it does! And since we are continually adding information, it may have been added since the last time you checked.
Please check the Ceramic Arts Community Forum to see if your question has already been answered. Join the community to post
your questions or your answers. The forum has a powerful search tool and, with more than 6000 members, there is usually someone from the community who can answer your question. If you don’t find your answer in the archives, simply start
a new topic in the appropriate forum category, ask your question, and you will likely get the answers you need.
Browse our topic areas listed in the footer area at the bottom of most pages.
Check out our Free Guides page to see if there is a Free Guide that might
address your question.
If you are searching for a specific article from Ceramics Monthly and Pottery Making Illustrated, consider getting an All Access Subscription and get access to the 69-year Ceramics Monthly online archive and the 24-year Pottery Making Illustrated online archive.
Because our goal here at Ceramic Arts Network is to provide a wide array of useful information to help ceramic artists, we are continually adding to the site. Having trouble logging in to Ceramic Arts Network? Please email customerservice@Ceramic Arts Network.
Senior Editor, Ceramic Arts Network Online, Books, & Videos
Jennifer Harnetty discovered ceramics the quarter before she graduated from Ohio University with an English degree in 1996 and has been making pots ever since. In 2004, she became assistant editor, and later associate editor, of Ceramics Monthly and
Pottery Making Illustrated (positions that nicely combined her interest in ceramics and her English degree, wouldn’t you say?). In 2008, she became editor of Ceramic Arts Daily (now Ceramic Arts Network), and more recently, Senior Editor,
Ceramic Arts Network Online, Books, and Videos. In this capacity, she oversees the production of an expanding collection of instructional videos for ceramic artists, as well as two online webinar series (Workshop from Home and Talking Clay Field Trips). She also manages the Ceramic Arts Network Books program.
Outside the office, Jen is kept busy in her gig as mom to a teenage boy, who is now several inches taller than her. Other interests include family, friends, music, flower gardening, dogs, horses, being crafty, books, movies, endless home improvement
projects. Lately, she has been working primarily in a mid-range red clay in her precious 2–3 hours in the studio per week. She has also been delving into handbuilding, after being primarily a wheel thrower for many years.
Holly Goring
Managing Editor, Pottery Making Illustrated and Ceramics Monthly; Manager, International Ceramic Artists Network (ICAN)
Holly began her career in ceramics from the outside looking in. With her face pressed against the glass, staring in at the potters, she worked for the Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum developing the U of Minnesota’s Public Art minor program and
earning an art history degree from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. Tiring of a sore neck and the heavy weight of jealousy, she stopped resisting the messy art kids and whole-heartedly joined them. A BFA in ceramics followed shortly after.
Years later while studying ceramics in The Ohio State University’s grad program, she took an internship at Ceramics Monthly and has been on staff ever since. Holly currently works as editor for Pottery Making Illustrated and associate editor
for Ceramics Monthly and now spends a lot of time inside the office looking out.
Like everyone else on staff, Holly has burrowed out a small space for a studio in her basement — that sweet spot between the furnace and the washing machine that is all her own. Lacking the will (and the space) to continue making large, heavy
installations, she is working on a new body of functional pieces. Now her compulsive gathering, stacking, storing, saving, containing, tending, grouping, comparing, and sorting nature is finally content in building empty pots for others to fill.
Katie Reaver
Editor,Ceramics Monthly; Associate Editor, Pottery Making Illustrated; and Associate Editor, Books
Katie Reaver studied ceramics at the University of Mary Washington, in Fredericksburg, Virginia, where she graduated with a BA in studio art. Two years in the post-baccalaureate program at the University of Arkansas focused her studio practice and
gave her the opportunity to work as a studio technician and instructor at a local community arts center. After completing her MFA in ceramics at Ohio University, Katie joined the editorial staff.
Outside of the office, Katie spends time making work in her home studio. Generally, projects are kept contained to the spare bedroom, but occasionally, to the dismay of her husband and cat, they spill over into other spaces. She enjoys watching competitive
baking shows, exploring Columbus, and learning new crafts.
Ash Neukamm
Manager of Platform Marketing
Ash Neukamm found clay during her second semester of college at the University of Florida and quickly became obsessed! After graduating in 2010, she attended the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth's Post-Baccalaureate program. After a year of hard
work she was accepted into the Ohio State University's Master of Fine Arts program and graduated in 2014.
She's currently spent the last decade studying, making pots, teaching, and living in Columbus, Ohio. Ash is happy to have a large basement studio where she can throw and make a mess. Outside of the office and studio, she enjoys reading, cooking, hiking,
entertaining her pups, and hanging with her husband and son.
For payments related to magazine subscriptions or customer mailed-in orders, please ship to:
The American Ceramic Society Ceramic Arts Network L-4163 Columbus, OH 43260-4163
Note: This address is correct and a street name is intentionally not included.
Contact us
Customer Service:
Available Monday - Friday, 9am to 5pm eastern standard time, USA.
For immediate answers to frequent questions, please see our Help page here.
For membership, subscription, purchases, or website inquiries:
Customer Service:
Email: customerservice@ceramicartsnetwork.org
For editorial submission inquiries or questions about contests and listings (Residency, Gallery Guide, Call for Entries, etc.):
Editorial Inquiries:
Email: editor@ceramicartsdaily.org
Ceramic Arts Network
The American Ceramic Society
P.O. Box 1555
Westerville, OH 43086-1555
Ceramic Arts Network is an online community serving active potters and ceramic artists worldwide, as well as those who are interested in finding out more about this craft. Ceramic Arts Network provides a wide array of tools for learning about and improving skills in the ceramic arts, and a place for artists to share ideas and perspectives about how their art and life interact to shape each other.
Ceramic Arts Network provides a free daily newsletter, access to Ceramics Monthly and Pottery Making Illustrated magazines and the International Ceramic Artists Network (ICAN), and links you to all the related products and services that these groups offer.
Ceramic Arts Network is owned and managed by The American Ceramic Society, a more than 120 year-old non-profit organization that promotes the professional needs of the international ceramics community.
Do you have questions about Ceramic Arts Network?
In order for us to continue to provide the wealth of information available on the Ceramic Arts Network website for free, we are often unable to answer individual technique, process, or business-related questions. However, there are several ways to find information on Ceramic Arts Network, and you may not be aware of all of them:
Because our goal here at Ceramic Arts Network is to provide a wide array of useful information to help ceramic artists, we are continually adding to the site. Having trouble logging in to Ceramic Arts Network? Please email customerservice@Ceramic Arts Network.
Our Editorial Staff
Jennifer Poellot Harnetty
Senior Editor, Ceramic Arts Network Online, Books, & Videos
Jennifer Harnetty discovered ceramics the quarter before she graduated from Ohio University with an English degree in 1996 and has been making pots ever since. In 2004, she became assistant editor, and later associate editor, of Ceramics Monthly and Pottery Making Illustrated (positions that nicely combined her interest in ceramics and her English degree, wouldn’t you say?). In 2008, she became editor of Ceramic Arts Daily (now Ceramic Arts Network), and more recently, Senior Editor, Ceramic Arts Network Online, Books, and Videos. In this capacity, she oversees the production of an expanding collection of instructional videos for ceramic artists, as well as two online webinar series (Workshop from Home and Talking Clay Field Trips). She also manages the Ceramic Arts Network Books program.
Outside the office, Jen is kept busy in her gig as mom to a teenage boy, who is now several inches taller than her. Other interests include family, friends, music, flower gardening, dogs, horses, being crafty, books, movies, endless home improvement projects. Lately, she has been working primarily in a mid-range red clay in her precious 2–3 hours in the studio per week. She has also been delving into handbuilding, after being primarily a wheel thrower for many years.
Holly Goring
Managing Editor, Pottery Making Illustrated and Ceramics Monthly; Manager, International Ceramic Artists Network (ICAN)
Holly began her career in ceramics from the outside looking in. With her face pressed against the glass, staring in at the potters, she worked for the Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum developing the U of Minnesota’s Public Art minor program and earning an art history degree from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. Tiring of a sore neck and the heavy weight of jealousy, she stopped resisting the messy art kids and whole-heartedly joined them. A BFA in ceramics followed shortly after. Years later while studying ceramics in The Ohio State University’s grad program, she took an internship at Ceramics Monthly and has been on staff ever since. Holly currently works as editor for Pottery Making Illustrated and associate editor for Ceramics Monthly and now spends a lot of time inside the office looking out.
Like everyone else on staff, Holly has burrowed out a small space for a studio in her basement — that sweet spot between the furnace and the washing machine that is all her own. Lacking the will (and the space) to continue making large, heavy installations, she is working on a new body of functional pieces. Now her compulsive gathering, stacking, storing, saving, containing, tending, grouping, comparing, and sorting nature is finally content in building empty pots for others to fill.
Katie Reaver
Editor,Ceramics Monthly; Associate Editor, Pottery Making Illustrated; and Associate Editor, Books
Katie Reaver studied ceramics at the University of Mary Washington, in Fredericksburg, Virginia, where she graduated with a BA in studio art. Two years in the post-baccalaureate program at the University of Arkansas focused her studio practice and gave her the opportunity to work as a studio technician and instructor at a local community arts center. After completing her MFA in ceramics at Ohio University, Katie joined the editorial staff.
Outside of the office, Katie spends time making work in her home studio. Generally, projects are kept contained to the spare bedroom, but occasionally, to the dismay of her husband and cat, they spill over into other spaces. She enjoys watching competitive baking shows, exploring Columbus, and learning new crafts.
Ash Neukamm
Manager of Platform Marketing
Ash Neukamm found clay during her second semester of college at the University of Florida and quickly became obsessed! After graduating in 2010, she attended the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth's Post-Baccalaureate program. After a year of hard work she was accepted into the Ohio State University's Master of Fine Arts program and graduated in 2014.
She's currently spent the last decade studying, making pots, teaching, and living in Columbus, Ohio. Ash is happy to have a large basement studio where she can throw and make a mess. Outside of the office and studio, she enjoys reading, cooking, hiking, entertaining her pups, and hanging with her husband and son.
For payments related to magazine subscriptions or customer mailed-in orders, please ship to:
The American Ceramic Society
Ceramic Arts Network
Columbus, OH 43260-4163
Note: This address is correct and a street name is intentionally not included.